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The Virtual Wifey E-Book

Virtual Wifey

By Rhonda Coleman Albazie

It wasn’t easy, but by leveraging what I learned at the prestigious, world renown Wifey University including the Executive Wife Training, Marriage Business Plans and Wife Wealth courses, self taught computer programming and with help from my team of wonder Wifeys, I managed to grow a Virtual Wifey empire that helps people find love, engineer sustainable marriages, create exponential wife wealth and help executives succeed.

Oh, and did I mention that this was all done while literally working from the comfort of my home while spending more time being Alpha Wife and Phenom Mom and building a life doing more of the things I absolutely love?

Go Virtual. #VirtualWifeyXO

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My newest E-Book, Virtual Wifey is jammed packed with tips to help Wifeys win big in the high stakes business of love and marriage while helping their husband’s succeed,  building wife wealth and lives that they absolutely love.

 Virtual Wifey is also the perfect proof of concept and success sequence field guide for Wifeys in the know and on the go. 

Get Virtual Wifey in E-Book on Amazon and other book stores and apps in the fourth quarter or fall of 2020. Preview it now, here at VirtualWifey.com 

Virtual Wifey delivers all of my most coveted Wifey Wealth, Alpha Wifey and Family Office Wifey love, marriage, business and wealth building advice.  

About Rhonda Coleman Albazie

The Virtual Wifey

Founder of Virtual Wifey 

The Future of Intelligent Virtual Assistants

Remote WFH Executive Staffing Agency

Virtual Wifey Call Centers

Cognitive Companionship Powered By Ai

Virtual Intimacy

Wifey Meets Hubby Private Client Group Matchmaking

Wifey Meets Hubby Online Dating

Virtual Wifey PPV Video & Audio Chat Line

Wifey Web Cams

Virtual Wifey Apps 

Virtual Wifey Media 

Virtual Wifey Services 

Virtual Wifey Branded Products  

Virtual Wifey Coaching

Virtual Wifey’s Wife Wealth Platform

Virtual Wifey Speakers

Virtual Wifey University

Wifey University 

Wifey University Publishing 

It was such a pleasure to read Virtual Wifey.
I learned so much about building a work-from-home business and creating wife wealth,
prioritizing taking care of and helping my husband succeed while creating a life I absolutely love.

Chapters 3 to 6 were Wifey game changing.

I am now a passionate member of the Virtual Wifey global community.
The value adds are the definitive next level interlocked network to discover
inspiration, friendship, empowerment, social good and divine purpose.

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